Is it really November already? This past year has flown by so quickly. I'm afraid that if I blink I will miss the end of it. So I am not blinking (not literally though) in case I miss something. Exams, piano, school, photography, fun... its all coming. I love Christmas time too. I have this advent calendar that I have been making for the past two Christmases. And by making I mean neglecting. I am determined, as soon as school exams and all the stress evaporates I will finish it.

I was feeling arty this afternoon so I took my old camera (and my digital) and went for a walk. I love this photo. The bee is just getting the nectar out of the flower. There were so many bees at this tree I was trying really hard not jump every time one flew near me.

Penny has been the subject of my camera for a while now. She is such a lazy dog though. Refuses to sit up for the camera... or say cheese.
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