One of the very first photographers I "discovered" on there was Lauren (lauren {elycerose}). She mostly takes photos of her kids but she also takes the most beautiful and imaginative photos. These photos of hers aren't exactly my favourites but they're still really good.

Brittany Juravich is another photographer who I like. She mainly takes photos of herself and not all of these I like but I do like the style and there is a lot I do really like. Take these, for example.

Another photographer who caught my eye was Grace (The Spider In Your Bath). She lives in England and has the most adorable pet rat. Which is saying a lot, coming from me (I'm not a fan of rats). This first photo with the plaits is the first one I saw of hers and all I thought was "cool hair". Then I saw her other work and it's great.

The final Flickr photographer is Jett Myers (geewillikersjett). He takes some excellent portraits of his friends and mainly I just like them. Occasionally I like a photo that he has taken of himself, but not usually.
